9 Impressive WordPress Stats Worth Bookmarking for Clients

WordPress powers one in every four websites you visit online. Huge, right? It’s safe to say WordPress is no longer just a blogging tool – it’s by far the most popular content management system online and we’ve got the numbers to back it up. If you’ve ever had trouble convincing clients WordPress isn’t just for …

Delineating Between API’s For Plugins and Themes

With the rise of Customizer and the history using the options table to store everything theme and plugin related, it’s time to get organized. The not so new ability to organize ourselves while developing for WordPress seems to be lacking in the ecosystem. I for one would like to see the community embrace this opportunity …

WordPress Theme Development Using _S, Bootstrap, Grunt & Bower

Another great post from the folks over at 4 Digits. This is extremely handy when you are starting to develop a custom WordPress theme. When working with a group to create and develop a custom WordPress themes, plugins or site specific functionality, having your structure nailed down is imperative. This starter theme is based on …

WordPress Cheat Sheet – Default Quick Tags – Angular test page

Default Quicktags Here are the values of the default Quicktags added by WordPress to the Text editor (table sorted by access key value). Access key and ID must be unique. When adding your own buttons, do not use these values: Accesskey ID Value Tag Start Tag End a link link <a href=”‘ + URL + …