Using Data-Driven Attribution Like a Top Marketer

Adometry by Google is the attribution focused business in their analytics offering and they provide great insight and tools to implement cross channel marketing attribution. Not all businesses are in the place to be able to take advantage of data-driven attribution and most businesses are not in a place to allocate budget to a tool to assist in the effort. But attribution isn’t an all or nothing game.

Most businesses still attribute the first or last touch point as the campaign responsible for the sale. Data-driven attribution tools allow modeling and evaluation across all channels through a single system. Once you start measuring across all the channels in your marketing mix you will be afforded a common set of metrics that are based on your business rather than each individual channels available or promoted metrics.

Adometry recently put out a white paper that will answer many questions on data-driven attribution and is definitely worth the read if you are using multi-channel marketing.

Source: The definitive guide to data-driven attribution | Adometry | Google Analytics – Google

View the PDF: Definitive Guide To Attribution