Offline-Friendly Forms | Max Böck – Frontend Web Developer

Forms on the web don’t usually play nice with bad connections. If you try to submit a form while offline, you’ll most likely just lose your input. Here’s how we might fix that. TL;DR: Here’s the CodePen Demo of this post. With the introduction of Service Workers, developers are now able to supply experiences on the web …

WordPress Theme Development Using _S, Bootstrap, Grunt & Bower

Another great post from the folks over at 4 Digits. This is extremely handy when you are starting to develop a custom WordPress theme. When working with a group to create and develop a custom WordPress themes, plugins or site specific functionality, having your structure nailed down is imperative. This starter theme is based on …

Looking at parallax.js

parallax.js reacts to the orientation of your smart device, offsetting layers depending on their depth within a scene, if no gyroscope or motion detection hardware is available, parallax.js uses the position of your cursor instead. vFind it at: parallax.js.